- Accessibility Statement
A statement of this site's accessibility to the general public.
- The Council
Information about councillors, committees and staff, including the register of interests.
- Council Meetings
Local council meetings calendar.
- Local Planning
Aspects of the Parish Council's involvement with local planning applications.
- Parish Council Finances
What the Parish Council spends and its budgeting of public monies, in accordance with its Financial Regulations. These materials comply with Publication Scheme and Open Data requirements.
- Local Governance Documents
Documents associated with local Parish Council governance, such as their Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Policies and Procedures.
- Access to Parish Council Information
This page contains details of how to access information available from the Parish Council.
- Parish Documents
All our documents are stored here, you can search and filter to easily find the documents of interest.
Older documents will have been forwarded to the Northamptonshire Archive for safe-keeping, under West Northamptonshire Council . - Local Council Services and Powers
A summary of the Powers, Duties and Statutory provisions which enable the Parish Council to operate. This advice was supplied by the Society of Local Council Clerks and was last updated in July 2012; amendments may be pending.
- Problem Report Form
Use this form to raise local problem which require Parish Council attention. This may include the street lighting, verges, grit bins etc.