13th February 2025

Search Preston Capes Parish Council

Preston Capes Parish Council Serving the people of Preston Capes

Your Parish Councillors

There are 7 members who are re-elected every 4 years, the next occasion being May 2025.

Members of a Parish Council are people who live or work in the parish; they must be over 18 years of age. A candidate will also qualify if, during the whole of the twelve months prior to the election, he or she has resided in the locality or within three miles of it; occupied as owner or tenant any land or premises within the parish; or had his or her principal place of work there.

Election of Parish Councillors

Election forms are available from the Clerk or West Northamptonshire Unitary Council.

Each candidate has to find his or her own sponsor and seconder. All information relating to elections is displayed on the village noticeboard. All Parish Councillors must agree to the Code of Conduct and notify the Council of their financial interests locally (the Register of Interests).

In the event of a Parish Councillor resigning, a casual vacancy will occur. Unless ten electors request an election to South Northamptonshire Council, this vacancy can be filled by co-option. Anyone interested in filling such posts will see notices advertising the vacancy.

The current list of Councillors' Declarations or Interest may be obtained from: Preston Capes Parish Council Declarations.

Your other Local Elected Representatives

West Northamptonshire Unitary Council

Woodford & Weedon Ward

The Hall
Manor Road
NN11 6JD

Tel: 01327 700198

email: rupert.frost@westnorthants.gov.uk

Woodford & Weedon Ward

16 Home Close
NN11 6JR

Tel: 01327 872156

email: jo.gilford@westnorthants.gov.uk

Member of Parliament for South Northamptonshire

Last updated: Mon, 16 Dec 2024 18:50