12th February 2025

Search Preston Capes Parish Council

Preston Capes Parish Council Serving the people of Preston Capes

Planning Applications

Planning applications are discussed by the full Parish Council at the next available meeting. In exceptional circumstances, for instance if there is no meeting due before the designated return date for correspondence, the Clerk may circulate an application by email to all Councillors.

Details of our meetings are shown in the Council Meetings Calendar. The Agenda for the forthcoming meeting is published at least 3 days prior to the meeting.

In all cases, whilst the Parish Council considers and comments on all applications affecting the parish, the controlling authority is Daventry District Council (DDC) who can choose to take on board or ignore our comments and approval/refusal.

To find details of all current and historic planning applications see DDC's planning website.

Local Planning

The Parish Council is consulted on planning applications in the village by the Local Planning Authority- usually Daventry District Council. Members of the public are welcome to attend and make comments during the public part of the meeting. All applications can be seen either at the Council Offices in Daventry or by arrangement with the Clerk. You may also find details of current planning applications by searching the planning register using this link:-

At the bottom of the section headed Planning application search, click upon the underlined link: 'Planning application online search'. This allows the entry of search criteria. From the 'Parish' drop-down list, select 'Preston Capes' and then press the 'Search' button at the bottom of the page. This brings up a list of applications in some peculiar order, about ten per page over dozens of pages (not friendly).

DDC full planning applications usually start with . E.g. DA/2019/0650. The Preston Capes full applications usually start around page 3-5, so press '3' to jump to them (there are no forward / backward buttons!). There is significant room for improvement.

By reading the Description and Location, you may determine the application of interest to you. Click on its DA/... number to see its details and current status. If the application has NOT yet been decided, you may find a 'Comment on this application' link in green, between the details heading and details decision sections. Click on this to post any comment you may have on the application, indicating your role and the nature of your response.

Local Planning - Parish Council Comments

The Parish Council does not presently have a Neighbourhood Plan. However, it may comment upon the following aspects:-

  • The development should be compatible in terms of type, scale, siting, design and materials within the existing character of the locality;
  • it should possess a satisfactory means of access and provide adequate parking, including for the disabled;
  • it does not result in the loss of undeveloped land, which in the opinion of the local planning authority, is of particular significance to the form and character of the settlement;
  • it will not unacceptably harm the amenities of any neighbouring properties;
  • it is neither of a hazardous nature nor likely to cause problems of pollution, noise, vibration, smell, smoke, discharge or fumes;
  • it is sympathetic to the quality and character of any buildings listed as being of special architectural or historic importance or its setting;
  • it does not harm the character, appearance or setting of a conservation area;
  • it incorporates suitable landscape treatment as an integral part of the planning of the development;
  • it provides satisfactory soil and surface water drainage.

In making its comments, examples of invalid considerations are devaluation of property; loss of private view; loss of business; breach of restrictive covenant; applicant not the owner of the site; access not owned by the applicant; owner of access objects; moral reasons; building construction matters; development has already been carried out

Local Planning - Parish Council Constraints

Parish Council comments are constrained by the Town and Country Planning Act (1947, 1990) and the Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas Act (1990). While the Council is able to participate in the public consultation of planning applications it has no input to building control matters which covers fitness / durability of materials, fire safety, weather resistance, structural stability, sanitation & drainage or access and facilities for people with disabilities.

The purpose of planning covers change of use, protecting the public interest, to avoid conflict with other forms of development (by way of noise, traffic, appearance, pollution, use, safety etc), to ensure it is sustainable by way of services (transport, health facilities, schools, leisure etc) and to ensure the preservation of the countryside by way of listed buildings, conservation areas etc.

Last updated: Sun, 17 May 2020 14:11